
Zen and the art of swimming


Zen in umetnost plavanja: estetska izkušnja kot nova perspektiva za tehniko vadbe Zadnja leta narašča zanimanje za koncepte alternativnih gibanj. Zavedanje je dobro znano v športni psihologiji in mnoge športe propagirajo kot "zen šport". Tudi uporaba fraze "zen in umetnost" je že postala vsakdanja. Ljudje, ki se učijo in ki poučujejo tehnike plavanja, se zaradi posebnih pogojev, ki jih povzroča voda, soočajo z edinstvenimi izzivi. Pristop, ki temelji na dojemanju plavanja kot zen športa ali kot umetnosti v smislu čutne estetske izkušnje in estetskega procesa učenja, lahko nudi nove priložnosti za učenje in poučevanje. Filozofske koncepte Gadamerja, Deweyja in Johnsona v kombinaciji s pristopi teorij utelešenja in teorij estetskega učnega procesa povezujemo s temeljnimi elementi Zena in dopolnjujemo ter pojasnjujemo s praktičnimi primeri.The interest in alternative movement concepts has been on the increase in recent years. Mindfulness is well known in sports psychology, and many sports have been promoted as "Zen sports". The use of the phrase "Zen and the Art of " has also become commonplace. People learning and teaching swimming techniques face unique challenges due to the special conditions that water provides. The approach based on looking at swimming as a Zen sport, or as an art in the sense of being a sensual aesthetic experience, and an aesthetic learning process, can provide new teaching and learning opportunities. Gadamer\u27s, Dewey\u27s, and Johnson\u27s philosophical concepts combined with approaches of embodiment theories and theories of aesthetic learning processes (Storch, Stelter, Gallagher) have been brought together with the basic elements from Zen and supplemented and exemplified with practical examples

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