Computer-aided workplace analysis


Analiza delovnega mesta je tako kot medicinska preiskava diagnostični postopek. Tako kakor pacient pri preiskavi pričakuje terapijo, tako tudi delavec pričakuje na delovnem mestu ukrepe. Vsi izidi analize tvorijo izhodišče za ergonomske ukrepe, ki jih sestavljajo tehnološke in organizacijske (re)konstrukcije. Pri tem je osrednji strokovnjak inženir oblikovalec, vzporedno z njim sodelujejo še vsaj medicinec dela, biomehanik ter psiholog. V članku je predstavljena primerjalna analiza delovnega mesta med klasično in računalniško podprto izvedbo, ki temelji na presoji podatkov o držah delavca pri delu (opazovalna metoda telesnih drž in položajev OWAS). Dobljeni rezultati kažejo na ustreznost in prednosti računalniško podprte analize.The analysis of a workplace is a diagnostic procedure, as is a medical examination. The worker expects a remedial action as a result of the workplace analysis just like a patient expects a therapy after a medical examination. The results of a workplace analysis represent the basis for subsequent ergonomic measures that consist of technological and organizational modifications. The central expert involved is the workplace designer (engineer), who is assisted at least by one expert in occupational health (industrial medical officer), and one expert in biomechanics and a psychologist. The paper presents a comparative study of the classical and the computer-aided version of a workplace analysis dealing with the posture of workers at work. The study is based on the assessment of postural data obtained by OWAS (the observation method). The results obtained show the advantages of the computer-aided analysis and con firm its applicability in engineering practice

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