V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili kazenski postopek Republike Slovenije in Združenih držav Amerike, ki velja v 21. stoletju za edino svetovno velesilo. Zakaj smo se odločili primerjati slovenski postopek z ameriškim je zato, ker sta sistema v določenih pogledih enaka, vendar imata vseeno temeljne razlike. Primerjava velesile in majhne države, ki je večina sveta ne pozna se zdi dobra tema.
Da država poskrbi za kaznovanje storilcev kaznivega dejanja je potreben ne samo zakon o kaznivih dejanjih in določenih sankcijah, ampak tudi zakon, ki določa potek postopka in omogoča pravičen postopek za vsakogar. Torej je kazenski postopek urejen s pravnimi pravili, ki se jih procesni subjekti kazenskega postopka morajo držati.
Najpomembnejši se zdi postopek na glavni obravnavi, saj je tamkajšnjo dogajanje največjega pomena za obsodbo ali oprostitev domnevnega storilca kaznivega dejanja. Kot bomo zasledili, imata obe državi glavno obravnavo, kjer poteka dokazni postopek in sprejemanje končne odločitve, vendar se pristojnosti subjektov razlikujejo. V Sloveniji poznamo poklicne sodnike ki sprejemajo odločitve, medtem ko si pristojnost v Ameriki deli sodnik skupaj s poroto.
Vendar obe državi strmita k pravičnemu kazenskemu postopku in k odkritju resnice s kaznovanjem storilca kaznivega dejanja. In s tem zagotavljata red v državi.In diploma thesis we will present criminal procedure the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America, which applies in the 21st century as the only world superpower. Why we decided to compare the Slovenian process with the American is because these two systems are in some ways the same, but still have fundamental differences. Comparing the world superpower with small country like Slovenia, which the most of the world don\u27t even know, seems a good topic for a diploma.
Therefore, is the state\u27s concern to punish offenders and it is not only required an Act of crime and penalties, but also an Act that sets the course of the proceedings and enable a fair process for everyone. So the criminal procedure is regulated by legal rules that criminal procedure subject most obey.
Most significant appears the procedure at the main hearing, because the events there have the greates importance for convinction or an exemption the alleged offender. As we will notice, both countries have the main hearing in which evidence is taken and the final decision is taken, but there are also some differences in procedure subjects. In Slovenia, there are proffesional judges who make decisions, while the powers in America are divided alonge the judge and the jury.
However, both countries are staring at a fair criminal procedure and uncovering the truth by punishing the offender. And with that provides order in the country