Larval morphology of the antlion Neuroleon microstenus (McLachlan, 1898) (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae), with notes on larval biology


Laval stages of the Mediterranean antlion species Neuroleon microstenus (McLachlan) are described and illustrated. Larvae do not build pitfall traps. They pursue prey by digging in sand backwards and waiting a prey. Second and third instar larvae move backwards or forwards on sand surface, whilst first instar larvae only forwards. Characteristic for the larvae of N. microstenus - like for other non-pit-builders - are prominent eye tubercles and sparse mandibular bristles. On the abdominal tip two bulges occur, each with four digging bristles. On the dorsal side of the head of second and third instar larvae black pigmentation occur forming "V" mark. Campaniform sensilla, sensilla coeloconica and sensilla basiconica are recognized for the first time in antlion larvae

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