Kinetic Study of DNA Topoisomerases by Supercoiling-Dependent Fluorescence Quenching


DNA topoisomerases are essential enzymes for all living organisms and important targets for anticancer drugs and antibiotics. Although DNA topoisomerases have been studied extensively, steady-state kinetics has not been systematically investigated because of the lack of an appropriate assay. Previously, we demonstrated that newly synthesized, fluorescently labeled plasmids pAB1_FL905 and pAB1_FL924 can be used to study DNA topoisomerase-catalyzed reactions by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) or supercoiling-dependent fluorescence quenching (SDFQ). With the FRET or SDFQ method, we performed steady-state kinetic studies for six different DNA topoisomerases including two type IA enzymes ( and DNA topoisomerase I), two type IB enzymes (human and variola DNA topoisomerase I), and two type IIA enzymes ( DNA gyrase and human DNA topoisomerase IIα). Our results show that all DNA topoisomerases follow the classical Michaelis-Menten kinetics and have unique steady-state kinetic parameters, , , and . We found that for all topoisomerases are rather low and that such low values may stem from the tight binding of topoisomerases to DNA. Additionally, we confirmed that novobiocin is a competitive inhibitor for adenosine 5\u27-triphosphate binding to DNA gyrase, demonstrating the utility of our assay for studying topoisomerase inhibitors

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