Colour stabilization of heat modified Norway spruce exposed to out-door conditions


Wood boards from Norway spruce (300 mmx125mmx10mm) were heat modified in a pilot chamber corresponding to Thermowood-D quality. The surface of boards was sprayed with diluted solutions of ferrous sulphate alone or in combination with subsequent spraying of a 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The boards were exposed to outdoor conditions during summer 2009 (45o facing south). Colour coordinates were measured using a colorimeter.Only small changes in colour of boards were observed directly after the surface treatments. Lightness increased for boards with no surface treatments during out-door exposure (seven weeks). Increase in lightness was delayed when ferrous sulphate was applied to the board. Lightness was essentially unchanged during the out-door exposure period when ferrous sulphate and hydrogen peroxide was used to modify the wood surface (at low hydrogen peroxide charge a small increase of lightness was, however, observed). Chroma decreased for boards with surface treatments but levelled out after a couple of weeks. On the other hand a decrease in chroma of boards with no surface treatments started after about four weeks exposure. Hue increased for all the boards until the fourth week. After that hue of untreated boards and boards treated with both ferrous sulphate and hydrogen peroxide continue to increase.Godkänd; 2010; 20100302 (ysko

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