
Brexit Report - Impact on Business Models of Scottish Companies


The Brexit Business Model Report is a preliminary assessment of research, interviews and survey results regarding the impact of Brexit on the business models of Scottish companies as they prepare for post-Brexit scenarios. The survey was used to compile data to support research questions gathered during the research and interview process for this graduate class project. Questions were designed to assess how Brexit is impacting the ability of Scottish companies in the areas of business model, contingency planning, supply chain, staffing, innovation, global reach, risk assessment, and opportunities. The questions reflected areas of the business model that may have present and future implications. The answers help measure the Brexit impact on Scottish firms’ business models and the potential for international growth. The upper management of Scottish companies from the “Insider Top 500” list, “FactSet list, and various trade organizations were selected to receive the survey. The focus of this study was on the potential impact of Brexit on Scottish companies’ business models. The survey findings show the importance of understanding the elements of a business model in the Brexit context (see Additional File, Executive Summary below for Business Model Brexit Implications on Scottish Companies based on Key Findings table)

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