Use of High Fines Concrete (HFC) in Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) Construction


This project work consisted of developing technical data to justify, from the standpoint of material properties (of aggregate fines and HFC), construction efficiency, cost competitiveness, and energy performance, a basis for the use of high-fines concrete (HFC) inside ICF wall systems. Although several aspects of the study are listed above, the report primarily concentrates on the material aspects of a limited number of aggregate fines sources and their use in HFC relative to strength development and placeability. Originally, emphasis was planned to be placed upon the use of a controlled low strength material (CLSM) but due to strength requirements currently in force for ICF construction, it was determined that greater benefit would be derived from highlighting the advantages of using aggregate fines in ICF concrete. A framework for developing suitable HFC mixture designs for different ICF wall systems relative to placement and strength characteristics is discussed. These guidelines were based upon results from the construction to two residential structures using HFC and the placement of 4 trial wall systems. One of the structures consisted of a “test model” that was used to investigate methods of construction and the energy efficiency of an ICF wall system.Aggregates Foundation for Technology, Research, and Education (AFTRE)Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineerin

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