GJR Volume 38 Number 1 Spring 2015


The Georgia Journal of Reading\u27s Spring 2015 issue includes: Message from the Editors by Dr. Christine A. Draper and Dr. Lina B. Soares (pg. 4) President’s Page by Dr. Beth Pendergraft (pg.5) . Middle School Literacy Coaches: Perceptions of Roles and Responsibilities by Dr. Katie Stover and Dr. Maryann Mraz (pg. 6) An Analysis of Teachers’ Discourse and Their Perceptions Concerning the Use of Questioning and Feedback During Reading Instruction In Third-Grade Classrooms by Dr. Marie Holbein and Dr. Jennifer Farist (pg. 15) Reading, Motivation, and the Power of Social Relationships: Learning from Middle School Students in a Title I Reading Classroom by Dr. Trevor Thomas Stewart and Dr. Emily Pendergrass (pg. 25) How Can Teachers Motivate Reluctant Readers? by Dr. Maggie Lehman (pg. 32) Dictionary Projects: A Defining Moment in Literacy by Beverly A. McKenna and Beverly A. Strauser (pg. 40)https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/gjrarchive/1006/thumbnail.jp

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