Short Subjects: Athens and Sparta: The Archivist and Resource Allocators


One result of the social, economic, and technological changes and developments of the past two decades has been an increased monetary pressure on educational institutions. Rare is the academic or other nonprofit institution that has not found it necessary to mount a fund-raising campaign. Economic pressures on educational institutions are not new nor are efforts to solve them. What is new is the intensity and pervasiveness. of monetary accountability, the professionalism . employed in fund raising, and the web of involvement that affects everyone in an administrative position, no matter how minor. Fiscal responsibilities that once were confined to the province of presidents, treasurers, and governing boards now fall within the accountability of all levels of administration. Archives 路administrators are faced not with a problem but \u27with a challenge: How do archives get their share of the pie from resource allocators and through the efforts of professional institutional fund raisers

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