
The Determinants of NFL Ticket Prices: What Managers May Consider when Pricing Tickets


Our purpose of this study is to determine what factors contribute to NFL ticket prices across teams and over time. After creating a theoretically sound model based on past economic studies, a panel data set was constructed based on the 32 NFL teams from the 2002 through the 2010 season. Results of this study show that a team’s previous season’s winning percentage, the average income of the area, the population of the area, and playing in a new stadium all have a positive, and significant, influence on ticket price. This study’s outcome allows fans and others to observe what team managers may consider when making price-changing decisions, and also by what percent a change in each factor will potentially change price. The study also shows what contributes to ticket price over time, an interesting observation given the rapid increase in the demand for football in the last decade

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