Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma: a case report


The clinical case of an unusual ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) was reported. The patient’s clinical chart as well as preoperative and postoperative radiographs and histological findings of a 20-year old man that addressed Dental Clinic at University of L’Aquila were thoroughly reviewed. The patient showed a swelling in the oral cavity and radiographic feature of a radiolucent lesion at left second premolar maxillary site. Histologic examination made diagnosis of AFO. AFO is a rare mixed odontogenic tumor with similarities to the ameloblastic fibroma (AF) and ameloblastic dentinoma. The nature and the relationships between mixed odontogenic tumours and related lesions are still controversial. Moreover is not clear if these lesions are separate pathologies or if they are different development stages of the same pathology

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