
Particle-core coupling in S 37


R. Chapman et al. ; 8 págs.; 6 figs.; 2 tabs.Excited states of the neutron-rich N=21 S37 nucleus have been studied using binary grazing reactions produced by the interaction of a 215-MeV beam of S36 ions with a thin Pb208 target. The magnetic spectrometer, PRISMA, and the γ-ray array, CLARA, were used in the measurements. The level scheme of S37 was established to an excitation energy of 4196 keV and a number of new transitions were observed, in particular that corresponding to the decay of the proposed Jπ=(11/2-) level at an excitation energy of 2776 keV. The structure of the state is discussed within the context of state-of-the-art shell-model calculations using the SDPF-U effective interaction; the main component of the wave function corresponds to the coupling of the odd 1f7/2 neutron to the first 2+ state of the S36 core. The electromagnetic decay properties of the state are discussed within the context of a particle-core coupling model and the shell model. The other members of the multiplet of states are also discussed. ©2016 American Physical SocietyWe would like to thank the technical staff of the INFN Legnaro National Laboratory for their support during this experiment. This work was supported by the EPSRC (U.K). Four of us (A.H,M.B, K.L.K., and A.P.) would like to acknowledge the receipt of financial support from EPSRC during the course of this work. A.J. would like to acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Contract No. FPA2014-57196-C5-4-P. Z.D. acknowledges financial support from OTKA Grant No. K100835.Peer Reviewe

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