
Transport properties of electron swarms in tetrahydrofuran under the influence of an applied electric field


10 págs.; 14 figs.; PACS number(s): 34.80.−iUsing an almost complete set of electron impact cross sections for scattering from the important biomolecule tetrahydrofuran (THF), compiled as a part of this study, swarm transport coefficients are determined by solving the Boltzmann's equation over the range of applied reduced fields from 0.01 to 10 000 Td. The present investigation highlights the experimental issues associated with, and the real need for, measurements of the corresponding THF transport coefficients, so that the self-consistency of our proposed cross section set might be evaluated. © 2013 American Physical Society.theAustralian Academy of Science through its European Scientific Exchange Program, and the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Productividad (Project FIS2012-32320). The experimental part was supported by Project No. PAPIIT IN 111611.Peer Reviewe

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