
Letter Written by Norman A. Garrigus to the Bryant College Service Club Dated December 9, 1943


[Transcription begins]UNITED STATES NAVY December 9, 1943 Dear Friends: I received your Christmas package before I left the states but am just now getting the pleasure of thanking you for it. Seeing as how Santa Clause [sic] has already been good to me I hope you won\u27t think that my asking for more candy is an attempt at a second celebration. But when my name comes up on the list again I would appreciate anything you sent. You might be interested to know that the first day I hit port I happened to meet Shirley Dyer and I hope to see her again soon if they aren\u27t going to work me too hard. Things are going to be fine in this duty from all that I can judge in my first few days of it. Many thanks to all and a Merry Christmas. SincerelyNorman A Garrigus[Transcription ends

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