
Fanny Grey


Well, well Sir! So you\u27re come at last!I thought you\u27d come no moreI\u27ve waited with my bonnet on from one \u27till half past four!You know I hate to sit alone unsettled where to goYou\u27ll break my heart, I feel you will, if you continue so! You\u27ll break my heart, I feel you will, if you continue so! Now pray, my love, put by that frown and don\u27t begin to scold!You really will persuade me soon you\u27re growing cross and oldI only stopp\u27d at Grosv\u27nor gate, young Fanny\u27s eye to catchI won\u27t I swear I won\u27t be made to keep time like a watch! I won\u27t I swear I won\u27t be made to keep time like a watch! It took you, the two hours to bow? Two hours! Take off your hatI wish you\u27d bow that way to me and apropos of thatI saw you making love to her (You see I know it all)I saw you making love to her at Lady Glossop\u27s Ball! Now really, Jane your temper is so very odd Today!You jealous and of such a girl as little Fanny Grey!Make love to her! Indeed, my dear, you could see no such thingI sat a minute by her side, to see a turquoise ring! I tell you that I saw it all, the whisp\u27ring and grimaceThe flirting and coquetting in her little foolish faceOh! Charles I wonder that the Earth don\u27t open, where you standBy the Heav\u27n that is above us both I saw you kiss her hand! I didn\u27t love! Or if I did, allowing that \u27tis trueWhen a pretty woman shews her rings what can a poor man do?My life, my soul, my darling Jane! I love but you aloneI never thought of Fanny Grey (How tiresome she\u27s grown!) Put down your hat, don\u27t take your stick! Now prithee, Charles do stay!You never come to see me now, but you long to run awayThere was a time, there was a time you never wish\u27d to go,What have I done, what have I done, dear Charles, to change you so? Pooh, pooh, my love! I am not chang\u27d but Dinner is at EightAnd my Father\u27s so particular, he never likes to waitGood Bye! Good Bye! You\u27ll come again? Yes, One of these fine days!He\u27s turn\u27d the Street, I knew he would, He\u27s gone to Fanny Grey\u27s

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