Durability of rocks under tropical conditions


Sri Lanka has a basement rock formation of metamorphic origin that the majority is gneissic type, which is intensively used in many of the civil engineering constructions. In addition, foundations of most of the important civil engineering structures are extended up to or into the fresh gneissic rock strata. Sri Lanka has a tropical climate. Therefore the study on durability of gneissic rocks under tropical conditions would be immensely beneficial to the construction industry of the country. The simulation of exact natural weathering conditions is quite complicated. This study concentrates mainly on how heat stress affects deterioration of index properties of gneissic rocks. When the rock mass gets heated, and cooled rapidly due to sudden rainfall, there is a possibility of propagating micro-fractures in the rock mass which will initiate weakening the strength properties of the rock mass. Most of the bridge abutments and dam constructions are associated with basement rock. In such locations rocks mass is alternately subjected to wetting and drying processes. Therefore the deterioration of rock resulting in its breakup, which is termed as "slaking" is also studied in this research. One hundred and sixty rock samples of gneissic rock of diameter 54mm (NX size) are tested in this research. Out of these 132 samples are fresh competent rocks and 28 are weathered to different degrees. These samples are selected from biotite gneiss and quartzo-feldspathic gneiss; the major two gneissic rock formations found in Sri Lanka. Fresh gneissic rock samples were subjected to heating and the weakening of their strength properties were studied upon cooling. Naturally weathered gneissic rock samples belonging to different weathering grades were also tested for their index properties. These were compared with the index properties of artificially weathered fresh gneissic rock samples and some correlations are established. The rate of deterioration of index properties of quartzo-feldspathic gneiss is seen to be more than that of biotite gneiss. Therefore more attention should be paid in the designing of foundations of important civil engineering structures in quartzo-feldspathic gneiss as far as the 'durability, is concerned, based on the project location

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