
Cytogenetic effects of irradiation on somatic and germ cells


This paper summarizes the results obtained in two of the research projects carried out in our laboratory within the radiation protection programs of the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear and the European Union. These two research lines are fundamentally interconnected, since the analysis of the cytogenetic effects of radiation on somatic cells studies the consequences of occupational or accidental exposure to radiation for the individual, especially from the point of view of developing some type of malignancy, while the studies carried out in germ cells evaluate the risk of exposure for future generations, through the transmission of chromosome abnormalities via affected spermatozoa. In both cases these studies, which were mainly carried out during the last six years, in addition to providing basic data for the assessment of the consequences of radiation exposure and defining the steps to be taken to prevent the transmission of chromosome anomalies to the offspring in cases of therapeutic exposure, have also been fundamental in developing more effective techniques for the evaluation of the cytogenetic consequences of exposure to radiation

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