LIPIcs - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2021)
In this work, we consider the following order reconfiguration problem: Given a graph G together with linear orders ? and ?\u27 of the vertices of G, can one transform ? into ?\u27 by a sequence of swaps of adjacent elements in such a way that at each time step the resulting linear order has cutwidth (pathwidth) at most k? We show that this problem always has an affirmative answer when the input linear orders ? and ?\u27 have cutwidth (pathwidth) at most k/2. Using this result, we establish a connection between two apparently unrelated problems: the reachability problem for two-letter string rewriting systems and the graph isomorphism problem for graphs of bounded cutwidth. This opens an avenue for the study of the famous graph isomorphism problem using techniques from term rewriting theory