Linear Transformations Between Dominating Sets in the TAR-Model


Given a graph GG and an integer kk, a token addition and removal ({\sf TAR} for short) reconfiguration sequence between two dominating sets DsD_{\sf s} and DtD_{\sf t} of size at most kk is a sequence S=D0=Ds,D1,D=DtS= \langle D_0 = D_{\sf s}, D_1 \ldots, D_\ell = D_{\sf t} \rangle of dominating sets of GG such that any two consecutive dominating sets differ by the addition or deletion of one vertex, and no dominating set has size bigger than kk. We first improve a result of Haas and Seyffarth, by showing that if k=Γ(G)+α(G)1k=\Gamma(G)+\alpha(G)-1 (where Γ(G)\Gamma(G) is the maximum size of a minimal dominating set and α(G)\alpha(G) the maximum size of an independent set), then there exists a linear {\sf TAR} reconfiguration sequence between any pair of dominating sets. We then improve these results on several graph classes by showing that the same holds for KK_{\ell}-minor free graph as long as kΓ(G)+O(log)k \ge \Gamma(G)+O(\ell \sqrt{\log \ell}) and for planar graphs whenever kΓ(G)+3k \ge \Gamma(G)+3. Finally, we show that if k=Γ(G)+tw(G)+1k=\Gamma(G)+tw(G)+1, then there also exists a linear transformation between any pair of dominating sets.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

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