Variable Shift SDD: A More Succinct Sentential Decision Diagram


The Sentential Decision Diagram (SDD) is a tractable representation of Boolean functions that subsumes the famous Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (OBDD) as a strict subset. SDDs are attracting much attention because they are more succinct than OBDDs, as well as having canonical forms and supporting many useful queries and transformations such as model counting and Apply operation. In this paper, we propose a more succinct variant of SDD named Variable Shift SDD (VS-SDD). The key idea is to create a unique representation for Boolean functions that are equivalent under a specific variable substitution. We show that VS-SDDs are never larger than SDDs and there are cases in which the size of a VS-SDD is exponentially smaller than that of an SDD. Moreover, despite such succinctness, we show that numerous basic operations that are supported in polytime with SDD are also supported in polytime with VS-SDD. Experiments confirm that VS-SDDs are significantly more succinct than SDDs when applied to classical planning instances, where inherent symmetry exists

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