
Interval Temporal Logic for Visibly Pushdown Systems


In this paper, we introduce and investigate an extension of Halpern and Shoham\u27s interval temporal logic HS for the specification and verification of branching-time context-free requirements of pushdown systems under a state-based semantics over Kripke structures. Both homogeneity and visibility are assumed. The proposed logic, called nested BHS, supports branching-time both in the past and in the future, and is able to express non-regular properties of linear and branching behaviours of procedural contexts in a natural way. It strictly subsumes well-known linear time context-free extensions of LTL such as CaRet [R. Alur et al., 2004] and NWTL [R. Alur et al., 2007]. The main result is the decidability of the visibly pushdown model-checking problem against nested BHS. The proof exploits a non-trivial automata-theoretic construction

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