The Confluent Terminating Context-Free Substitutive Rewriting System for the lambda-Calculus with Surjective Pairing and Terminal Type


For the lambda-calculus with surjective pairing and terminal type, Curien and Di Cosmo, inspired by Knuth-Bendix completion, introduced a confluent rewriting system of the naive rewriting system. Their system is a confluent (CR) rewriting system stable under contexts. They left the strong normalization (SN) of their rewriting system open. By Girard\u27s reducibility method with restricting reducibility theorem, we prove SN of their rewriting, and SN of the extensions by polymorphism and (terminal types caused by parametric polymorphism). We extend their system by sum types and eta-like reductions, and prove the SN. We compare their system to type-directed expansions

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