Simulation of the Irradiation Behaviour of the PBMR Fuel in the SAFARI-1 Reactor


2 Irradiation experiments for the pebble bed modular reactor PBMR fuel (coated fuel particles and pebble fuel) are planned at the South African First Atomic Reactor Installation (SAFARI-1). The experiments are conducted to investigate the behavior of the fuel under normal operating and accelerated/accident simulating conditions because the safe operation of the reactor relies on the integrity of the fuel for retention of radioactivity. For fuel irradiation experiments, the accurate knowledge and analysis of the neutron spectrum of the irradiation facility is required. In addition to knowledge of the neutron spectrum in the irradiation facility, power distributions and knowledge of nuclear heating values has to be acquired. The SAFARI-1 reactor boosts operating fluid temperatures of about 300 K. On the contrary, the PBMR can reach temperatures in up to about 1370 K under normal operating conditions. This calls for design of high temperature irradiation rigs for irradiation of the PBMR fuel in the SAFARI-1 reactor. The design of this instrument (rig) should be such that to create an isolated high temperature environment in the SAFARI-1 reactor, to achieve the requirements of the PBMR fuel irradiation program. The design of the irradiation rig i

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