
The light ion trough, the main trough, and the plasmapause


Extensive observations of mid-latitude depletions in electron and total ion density by both direct and indirect techniques, have prompted numerous studies of the possible association between these troughs, observed in the F-region, the topside ionosphere, and the plasmapause. One basic problem arises, in that while the plasmapause was detected as a global phenomenon both by VLF and ion composition measurements, the electron and ion density troughs were identified primarily as nightside features. This problem, as well as the difficulty in explaining various inconsistencies in relating the position of the plasmapause and the ionization trough, is explained by a close examination of the ion composition. In particular, ion composition results from the polar orbiting OGO satellites identify the persistence of a pronounced light ion trough in H(+) and He(+) identified by order of magnitude decreases in the light ion concentrations

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