
Constructing a scale of timidity to use artifacts for healthy older adults


It is commonly observed that older adults exhibit more problems in using new artifacts, especially devices related to information-and-communication technology. Although such difficulties are mainly attributed to cognitive and/or perceptual-motor aging, older adults also experience emotional and motivational changes. In this study,we focus on the characteristic behaviors of older adults who are attempting to use some new device,namely "timidity to use",including avoidance of using the device, hesitation or reluctance to press any buttons,a nd excessively confirming the right button to press. Seven items were selected for the scale of timidity to use artifacts,as confirmed by the results of principal component analysis. Analyses of the responses from 196 healthy older adults for the timidity scale indicate that it has sufficient reliability and criterion-related validities. In addition,the scale indicates some relationships between the frequencies of using artifacts and difficulties with using them, which implies that the scale also has validity for daily-life activities

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