
Sustainable Fisheries Financing Strategies: Save the Oceans Feed the World Project


This paper attempts to evaluate the factors that affect the financial viability of sustainable seafood investments, and in doing so: a) examines the underlying industry dynamics, opportunities, and risks associated with investing in the seafood sector; b) summarizes lessons learned from existing approaches to sustainable fisheries investments; and c) describes in greater detail the three aforementioned impact-investing mechanisms that could support the development of more sustainable wild-capture fisheries. The design of these strategies reflects, to the best of our understanding, the unique characteristics of the countries studied. We recognize that these strategies will evolve through further research and development and will vary meaningfully in their design and execution depending on the specific characteristics of the fisheries and countries where they may be deployed. We hope that these strategies can be adopted, modified and executed by a range of public, private, and non-profit players over time, and that the execution of these or similar strategies will catalyze the flow of new sources of private capital towards sustainable fisheries with positive environmental and societal impacts

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