An Evaluation of MacArthur's Window of Opportunity: Preserving Affordable Rental Housing Initiative


In this report, we describe the seven strategies by which the MacArthur Foundation sought ambitious changes in the preservation of affordable rental housing. In brief, these strategies were to* support a cadre of large nonprofit owners of affordable rental housing to both preserve rental housing and act as spokespersons for preservation* increase capital for preservation by investing in special-purpose vehicles, such as preservation-themed loan funds* invest in regional interagency partnerships to retain affordable rental housing* develop business practices, tools, and research for or about preservation* provide loans and grants directly to state and local government agencies that themselves fund preservation transactions* promote low-income tenants' rights to remain in and advocate for affordable rental housing* improve the funding, regulatory, and legislative context for preservation through the foundation's combined investments in nonprofit owners, networks of nonprofit owners, special-purpose vehicles, state and local government agencies, and advocates

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