Special Report: Judicial Co-Operation in the European Union: Insolvency and Rescue


Judicial Co-Operation for Economic Recovery in Europe (JCOERE) is a research action project funded by the EU Commission DG Justice. JCOERE focuses on substantive and procedural rules typical to restructuring frameworks that are likely to present obstacles to court co-operation as mandated by the European Insolvency Regulation Recast. In its first Report (JCOERE 1) the Project surveys a range of rescue frameworks in European jurisdictions, benchmarked against core concepts in the Preventive Restructuring Directive. In its second phase, engaging proactively with national EU judiciary, JCOERE will document experiences with co-operation including utilisation of co-operation guidelines. It will disseminate its findings to support co-operation in corporate rescue. This report summarises the first steps and some of the preliminary findings that are fully described in JCOERE Report 1

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