Análisis de los aspectos sociales y ambientales que intervienen en la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios del barrio “La Salina”, localidad de Engativá, Bogotá D.C. una visión desde la gerencia social.


Elaborar un análisis de los aspectos sociales y ambientales que intervienen en la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios del barrio “La Salina”, localidad de Engativá, Bogotá D.C. que permita la definición de acciones que mejoren las prácticas existentes.La generación y manejo de los residuos sólidos cobra un papel importante en la sostenibilidad y sustentabilidad del planeta, motivo por el cual se han creado políticas públicas, planes y proyectos orientados a su adecuado manejo y enfocados en los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible en especial el que se orienta al consumo responsable puesto que el impacto ambiental que se genera es significativo y afecta enormemente la calidad de vida de las comunidades.The waste generation and management take an important role in sustainability of the World. For this, public policies, plans and projects have been created to promote correct solid wasted management, inspired by Sustainable Development Goals, specially, responsible consumption and production as an answer to the environmental impact generated that affect significantly the community life quality. The objective of this investigation is elaborate an analysis of the social and environmental aspects that intervene in the integrated management of domestic solid waste of the neighborhood “La Salina”, location Engativá, Bogotá D.C. in a way that allows to define actions that improve the existed practices; a study is implement from home surveys and actors involved interviews about the process of waste management and its disposal. As result, it is evident that indispensable factors for proper separation at the source and correct waste management are related to education and knowledge provided to the community about this topic as responsible consumption; likewise, the consolidation of recycling routes and the monitoring of the training processes carried out by the competent public entities and cleaning operators play an essential role. Keeping this in mind, the creation of the recycling route for "La Salina" neighborhood is recommended as it does not exist at present, and workshops and training should be generated through the creation of strategic networks between public and private entities that allow strengthening the knowledge of the community regarding the issue; however, these processes would not achieve the appropriate impact until a District public policy of integrated management of solid household waste is formulated in accordance with the national policy that allows land strategies and proposals

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