Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física Teórica. Fecha de Lectura: 16-07-2021This thesis, written as a compendium of articles, addresses some of the fundamental
problems encountered when trying to build a theory of Quantum
Gravity. Taking General Relativity (GR) as the starting point, its well-known
non-renormalizable character leads to the need for an ultraviolet completion.
Besides, the Cosmological Constant (CC) problem is still one of the cornerstones
of Theoretical Physics. The following articles explore possible insights
into these problems within the context of gravitational Effective Field Theories.
The first article is devoted to the study of quadratic (in curvature) theories of
gravity when treated in the First Order formalism, where the metric and the connection
are considered as independent fields. These renormalizable theories are
quadratic in the derivatives of the connection and do not contain quartic propagators,
leaving a priori some room for unitarity. Nevertheless, it is not clear
whether these theories include a graviton or whether they are free of ghosts, as
all the dynamics is now encoded in the connection field. A complete study of
the propagating degrees of freedom is then needed. In this work, we analyze
the spin content of a generic torsion-free connection by constructing a complete
basis of 22 six index spin projectors. We find that these theories generically
propagate a spin three piece together with several lower spin components.
One of the classical solutions to the CC problem is to consider Weyl invariant
theories, as they forbid a CC term in the action. This symmetry is a generalization
of the usual conformal invariance to cases where gravity is present. In
the second article of the thesis, we carry out an analysis of the (in)equivalence
of conformal and Weyl invariant theories for the gravitational field. The most
general Lagrangian for spin two particles up to dimension six operators is explored,
corresponding to the low-energy expansion of linear and quadratic (in
curvature) theories of gravity. We carry out a full classification of the theories
invariant under linearized (transverse) diffeomorphism, linearized Weyl transformations,
and the usual conformal and scale symmetries.
In the last part of the thesis, the theory of Unimodular Gravity (UG) is examined.
This theory is an alternative low-energy description of gravity defined
as the truncation of GR to unit determinant metrics. In UG the CC does not
couple directly to gravity due to the unimodular constraint, and thus, it possesses
a completely different nature. In particular, it does not receive radiative
corrections, partially solving the CC problem. Apart from the character of the
CC, UG is found to be classically equivalent to GR, and the question of the
full (in)equivalence of both theories is still an open debate when quantum corrections
are considered. The potential differences arising when studying the
coupling to matter are investigated, via the introduction of a non-minimally
coupled scalar field. We compute all the one-loop divergences in both theories
and find a physical combination of couplings whose running differs for intermediate
values of the non-minimal couplin