
Causas y procedimiento de anulación de los contratos en el Derecho Norteamericano y su reflejo en el Derecho Privado Europeo: El valor de la autotutela


The avoidance of the contract is a protection remedy of the particular interest in cases as the vices of the assent or the lack of capacity of one of the contractors. The protected person can choose between confirming or annulling/voiding the contract. In the United States, the remedy works as a method of self-governance. The North American model coincides with followed by the uniform Law, and with the one that nowadays proposes in Spain with a view to reforming the civil Code, inside the coordinating process that is developing in the bosom of the European Union. It is the reason of its interest. The contract is avoided by extra judicial way, by means of a declaration of will to have like definitively void the contract, directed to another contracting party. We can speak about self-governance. The self-governance doesn´t avoid the litigation if one of the contractors refuses to accept the avoidance or annulment of the contract, but yes it supposes that the dictated judgment - in his case - is declarative of the nullity and not constitutive. The general effect of the avoidance of the contract is the obligation (or the duty) of restitution of the submitted goods, with his fruits or with the interests, in the cases in which there was fulfilment. Consequently, the presentations that will to return will earn the corresponding interests from the time of the act of extra judicial avoidance of the contract, not from the moment in which the sentence is pronounced. A point that is being reviewed is the Anglo-Saxon doctrine of the choice of the remedies: the action must be leading by choosing between the contractual Law and the Law of damages. The Principles UNIDROIT2 and the European DCFR3 admit both remedies at the same time. Nowadays, this doctrine is discussed in the United States, in relation by certain suppositions of avoidance of the contractLa anulación del contrato es un remedio de protección del interés particular en casos como los vicios del consentimiento o la falta de capacidad de uno de los contratantes. La persona protegida puede elegir entre confirmar o anular el contrato. En los Estados Unidos, el remedio funciona como un método de autotutela. El modelo norteamericano coincide con el seguido por el Derecho uniforme, y con el que actualmente se propone en España con vistas a reformar el Código civil, dentro del proceso armonizador que se está desarrollando en el seno de la Unión Europea. De ahí su interés. El contrato se anula extrajudicialmente, mediante una declaración de voluntad de tener por definitivamente nulo el contrato, dirigida a la otra parte contratante. Podemos hablar de autotutela. La autotutela no evita el litigio si uno de los contratantes se niega a aceptar la anulación del contrato, pero sí supone que la sentencia dictada –en su caso- sea declarativa de la nulidad y no constitutiva. El efecto general de la anulación del contrato es la obligación de restitución de los bienes entregados, con sus frutos o con los intereses, en los casos en que hubo cumplimiento. Por consiguiente, las prestaciones que se hubieren de restituir devengarán los intereses correspondientes a partir del tiempo del acto de anulación extrajudicial del contrato, no a partir del momento en que se dicte la sentencia. Un punto que está siendo revisado es la doctrina anglosajona de la elección de los remedios: la acción debe conducirse optando entre el Derecho contractual y el Derecho de daños. Los Principios UNIDROIT y el Europeo DCFR admiten ambos remedios al mismo tiempo. Actualmente, esta doctrina es discutida en los Estados Unidos, en relación con determinados supuestos de anulación del contratoThis work is in the research project directed by Professor Antonio-Manuel MORALES MORENO (“The modernization of contract law ", SEJ2005-06506 funded by MEC). To realize this, the author has received assistance from the Ministry of Science and Innovation in 2008 (Program Stays of mobility of professors). The study is also supported by the project "European Unification of Private Law: Current Status and Future Prospects (II)" (UAM-CAM, 2008

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