Modellistica geologica e idrogeologica tridimensionale per la valutazione quali-quantitativa delle risorse idriche sotterranee


Management of groundwater systems requires efficient modeling tools to evaluate the available resources and to define the water balance. The value of these instruments depends on the accuracy of geological and hydrogeological conceptual model. As part of a research project aimed at assessing Groundwater Resources in strategic aquifers of Sardinia, it was tested a methodology for quantitative and qualitative study of groundwater resources, based on the use of three-dimensional geological and hydrogeological modeling. The aim of this research is to provide a tool to support the decision-making process in water resources management and assessment, applicable in different hydrogeological settings. . The pilot study area is the porous Quaternary alluvial aquifer of the Cixerri Valley. The valley, located in the South-Western Sardinia, is an East-West oriented syncline linked to the tertiary tectonics, bordered by Paleozoic metamorphic and sedimentary formations and filled by tertiary and quaternary alluvial. The methodology can be summarized in three main phases. The first involved the construction of a Geodatabase (DB), where geological and hydrogeological data (geological maps and cross sections, geophysical data, wells and borehole logs, piezometric levels, hydrogeological parameters and geochemical features) were cataloged During the second phase a 3D geological model of the shallow Cixerri aquifer has been built. The data collected in the DB were validated and used for the construction of geological sections orthogonal and parallel to the fold axis. The interpolation of alluvial horizons of each sections help us to create the bottom surface of the alluvial aquifer. The third phase, currently being implemented, involves the construction of a hydrogeological 3D model and the estimation of the volume of the aquifer

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