The Effects of IFRS Adoption on Earnings Predictability of Japanese Firms


This paper examines whether the earnings predictability of Japanese firms is higher following the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) compared with firms that follow Japanese Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (JP GAAP). The latter are likely to be categorized in terms of code-law origin and stakeholder orientation along with the German GAAP, which are generally perceived to be of lower quality than IFRS. Tokuga (2011) points out that the Accounting Standards Board Japan (ASBJ) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have made substantive efforts towards convergence under the Tokyo Agreement. Although JP GAAP are said to have become almost indistinguishable from IFRS, the effect of IFRS on the financial information reported by Japanese companies has not been sufficiently clarified. It is questionable whether the accounting quality of financial reports prepared under JP GAAP is higher or lower than those prepared based on IFRS. Given this context, this study examines whether the predictability of earnings under JP GAAP is higher than or equivalent to that under IFRS by focusing on the association between current earnings and future cash flows. Although the sample size is relatively small in the single-country setting adopted herein, this is arguably compensated for by the fact that the disparity between voluntary adoption and domestic GAAP application can be explicitly observed and earnings quality can be directly compared without concern for institutional differences.本稿では,国際財務報告基準(IFRS)を採用した企業の利益の予測可能性が,日本の会計基準(JP GAAP)に従った企業のそれに比して高いかどうかを検証している。日本の会計基準による利益は,情報提供機能の側面からIFRS下の利益より品質が低いと認識されている。徳賀(2011)は日本会計基準審議会(ASBJ)と国際会計基準審議会(IASB)が東京合意の下で収斂に向けて実質的な努力を払ってきたと指摘し,JP GAAPとIFRSとの間における相違はほぼ存在しないと主張している。他方,IFRSを採用している日本企業が報告する財務情報に対するIFRSの影響は十分に解明されていない。以上の現状認識の下,本研究では,利益の予測可能性に焦点をあて,JP GAAP下の利益の質が, IFRS下の利益の質に比して高いか否かを明らかにしている。JEL Classification:M40; M4

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