
An Evaluation of Church School Methods in the N.W. Canada Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church


Education and religion have been compatible throughout the centuries of civilization. Where there has been religion there has been education in order to propagate the beliefs of religion. A good system of education is absolutely essential in order to adequately propagate the Gospel of Christ. The teaching methods and educational philosophies prevalent in many of the churches today are influenced by the emphasis in secular and modern educational procedures. It was the purpose of this study 1) to point out a few of the basic emphases of modern educational procedure; 2) to make an evaluation of the church school methods in the North West Canada Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in the light of these basic emphases in modern education; and 3) to determine the teaching methods used in the church schools of the Conference through an investigation of the pastors, the church school superintendents, the teachers and the Youth Fellowship of the Conference

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