
A Demand-Side Management Experience in Existing Building Commissioning


As part of a suite of demand-side management (DSM) program offerings, Xcel Energy provides a recommissioning program to its Colorado commercial customers. The program has a summer peak-demand savings goal of 7.8 MW to be achieved by 2005. Commenced in 2002 as a pilot, the program offers no-cost recommissioning services and incentives to participants to buy-down implementation costs to achieve a one-year simple payback. To date, four projects are complete and twenty-three more are underway. It is anticipated that approximately 65 projects will be completed through the program by 2005. This paper describes the basic program design and implementation process. The choices made in response to market barriers and program constraints are highlighted. In addition, the paper details the marketing efforts, the competitive bidding process, the standardized program elements, measurement and verification activities, and project savings to date. For each program aspect, program successes, uncertainties, and lessons learned are presented

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