
Condition Controlling and Monitoring of Indoor Swimming Pools


VTT has executed a lot of research work concerning the usage, functionality and refurbishment of indoor swimming pools and spas lately. This work includes for instance detailed condition surveys, energy audits, cost analysis and maintenance planning tools. The prevailing conditions make special demands for planning, constructing, repairing and maintaining the indoor swimming pools. Main topics are usually connected with shortening of the service lives of the building parts and technical installations and the indoor air quality. Also the yearly running costs can be remarkable high. VTT has created the technical risk map for indoor swimming pool repairs. This risk map presents the most significant factors that must be taken into account in order to repair facilities successfully. Due to optimizing the operation and maintenance VTT has developed operation and maintenance manual software that is specially targeted for indoor swimming facilities. This paper presents the technical risk map, the condition survey procedure, the energy saving methods and the maintenance record book for indoor swimming facilities to secure the success of a refurbishment project

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