
Estimated Savings from Turning Off Unnecessary Electrical Loads During Unoccupied Periods at the Langford Architecture Center


To achieve this saving, we first recommend that an energy awareness program be initiated. To implement this program, we suggest the following efforts: (1) conduct a more detailed analysis of all evening-time loads to determine which loads can be turned off without inconveniencing students or faculty/staff, (2) initiate a turn off program by hiring a student worker who would be responsible for turning off the lights in the studios and classrooms after midnight, (3) continue replacing the incandescent and 40W fluorescent fixtures with energy-efficient fixtures, (4) install high quality occupancy sensors in the studios and other rooms where cost justified. Finally, use the weekly monitoring by the Energy Systems Laboratory to track the progress and provide feedback to students and faculty/staff.This report presents the results of an on-off test conducted to determine the lighting load in the studios on the third and fourth floors of the Langford Architecture Center Building A and the savings that would be achieved by turning off the lights in those studios during unoccupied hours. Turning off the lights on the third and fourth floor studios would reduce the electricity cost by 4,757peryearandtheassociatedheatingandcoolingcostsbyanadditional4,757 per year and the associated heating and cooling costs by an additional 583 for a total savings of 5,340.Ifallunnecessaryelectricalloadscouldbeturnedoffduringtheeveningwhennotinuse,asmuchas5,340. If all unnecessary electrical loads could be turned off during the evening when not in use, as much as 34,200 per year could be saved at the Langford Architecture complex

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