
Case Studies of Systems Integration through Energy Simulation During Early Design Phase


The paper presents two case studies, a commercial & a community project, in Houston Texas, where energy simulation and a decision matrix were used to solve budget conflicts and meet LEED EA-1 requirements. The first case study consists of the analysis of three different direct-expansion (DX) systems in an underfloor air distribution (UFAD) configuration for an office building with an unusually large footprint. Of the three options, only two could meet EA-1 pre-requisite for LEED-NC certification while meeting the project budget. The second case study involves analysis of a 120,000 sf. Community recreation center with multiple space types and operation schedules. The analysis employed different combinations of energy recovery systems, efficient lighting package, skylights and large efficient ceiling fans. While all the options met LEED-NC EA-1 prerequisite, each had a different payback time. Finally a combination of strategies was used for optimum payback and energy efficiency

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