
Embedding Continuous Commissioning in an Energy Efficiency Retrofit Program


his paper presents a case study where Continuous Commissioning (CC), a process that optimizes the HVAC system operation and controls to reduce the building energy consumption and improve comfort, was embedded as one Energy Cost Reduction Measure (ECRM) in a 2.7millionenergyefficiencyprogram.Theprogramcoversfourcampusesandtwoadministrativeofficebuildingsofacommunitycollegedistrict,withatotalconditionedareaof2.35millionsquarefeet.Cumulativecostsavingsofover2.7 million energy efficiency program. The program covers four campuses and two administrative office buildings of a community college district, with a total conditioned area of 2.35 million square feet. Cumulative cost savings of over 1.7 million have been achieved since the start of the program in mid-2002. Savings as a direct result of the CC® efforts account for almost 2/3 of the total cost reduction. This paper discusses major commissioning activities for the central plants and building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, as well as how deferred maintenance issues, key to the success of any commissioning project, were addressed and adminstered by the CC engineer

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