A Haptic-Assisted Guidance System For Working Machines Based on Virtual Force Fields


The goal of this work is proposing a methodology that demonstrates the ability to use perceptual stimuli to optimize or make it easy and intuitive manipulation. In particular we are addressing the problem of driving a vehicle that carries on board a manipulator arm, we are faced with two fundamental problems: the problem of navigation and the problem of the manipulation that between them are not uncorrelated. In fact, depending on the task that the manipulator must make, the position of the base has a central role to improve performance, reduce work times and the cognitive load of the operator. The user defines the working points after which the system helps him to better positioning of the base, there is no degree of autonomy, but simply have the stimuli that provide the operator with greater awareness. We study how these stimuli with respect to the user is able to position itself well. In particular, we tackled the problems of: • navigation and safety, that is limits within which to navigate • comprehension the workspace • optimal manipulation • nonholonomic The innovative aspect is to find the right combination of haptic signals such as force fields, barriers, signals and vibrations that man is better able to understand during the various phases in which the vehicle is to be found, thus ensuring better performance for complete the assigned task

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