
Model Driven Machine Improvement of COSY Based on ORM Data


The COoler SYnchrotron in Jülich accelerates and stores unpolarized and polarized proton or deuteron beams in the momentum range between 0.3 GeV/c and 3.65 GeV/c [*,**]. This, in combination with its diverse capabilities of phase space cooling and the flexibility of the lattice with respect to ion-optical settings makes COSY an ideal test facility for accelerator technology development. High demands on beam control and beam based measurements have to be fulfilled for future experiments such as the proposed precursor experiment for a direct measurement of the electric dipole moment of the deuteron (see [***] and references within). The analysis of measured orbit response matrices (ORM), which com- prise the focussing structure of the ring, allows for a better understand- ing of machine imperfections such as gradient errors and misalignments of quadrupole magnets. This contribution presents the development of a MAD-X based LOCO (Linear Optics from Closed Orbits) algorithm [****] in a C++ program aiming to calibrate and correct linear optics as well as improving beam control at COSY

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