Wind energy guideline for state significant wind energy development


The Wind Energy Guideline (the Guideline) provides the community, industry and regulators with guidance on the planning framework for the assessment of large-scale wind energy development proposals that are State significant development (SSD). This Guideline identifies the key planning considerations relevant to wind energy development in NSW. It will assist stakeholders in the design and siting of SSD wind energy projects. It will also guide the assessment and evaluation, determination of wind energy development proposals, and, where approved, their construction and operation. The Guideline is not intended to be a comprehensive ‘how to’ manual for wind energy development, nor will all issues be relevant for every proposal. However, the NSW Government’s intention is that this Guideline becomes the key reference document for decision-making on SSD wind energy development in NSW. This Guideline delivers on the Government’s commitment in the NSW Renewable Energy Action Plan (2013) to implement wind energy planning guidelines in NSW. While the assessment process for SSD wind energy projects is generally the same as it is for other types of SSD projects, there are certain aspects that are unique for wind energy development and warrant special consideration. The Guideline provides the overarching planning framework for assessing SSD wind energy projects and is supported by additional Assessment Bulletins which the Department of Planning and Environment (the Department) issues periodically to provide technical guidance on key issues, such as noise and visual assessment. Consultation with communities, proponents and other stakeholders is an integral part of the assessment process for SSD wind energy projects. This Guideline also provides guidance to the community, proponents and consent authorities in understanding the level of engagement expected from proponents of SSD wind energy projects

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