
Understanding colours through the land art amongst pupils of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade


In my thesis, I investigate the ability of understanding colour mixing through a so-called Land art at 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. Colour mixing is usually based and on prepared industrial tube colours bought at usual shops. However, nature is an immense source of dyes and colours that offer colour mixing in the art. In the past the artists prepared pigments from natural substances by themselves. Nowadays various artists in landscape art exploit the potential of natural materials in mixing colours. I have explored this issue through the theoretical and empirical research approach. In the theoretical part, I have analysed the problem of colour mixing in conjunction with the appearance of colours in nature (natural pigments, various colour phenomena in nature, the natural materials of different colours, etc.) considering descriptive methods and field literature to establish the advantage of mixing colours in the visual arts. I take into account the analysis of the various contemporary artists who exploit the colours of nature in its landscape art. In the empirical part, I investigated the ability of pupils’ understanding the colour mixing through the Landscape Art in action survey in three steps. The first step was to present the colour mixing on an established way of industrial tube paints to students. In a second step, I included the teacher of chemistry; we conducted a cross-curricular link, on the subject of colour mixing and extraction of natural dyes by extraction. In the third step, students mixed colours using substances found in nature near their school, and this leads to certain characteristics of landscape art. Students created a variety of natural materials available in near school location (the school, where I conducted research is located in the countryside). The study will contribute to art didactics innovative methods of teaching colour mixing in conjunction with the nature and landscape art. Emphasis was on an open and creative functioning of students in a wide range of materials and ideas. This will help the students to strengthen environmental awareness and awareness of coexistence with nature

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