Local Seed Business in the Context of Integrated Seed Sector Development


Quality seed is a key input for agriculture, with a direct impact on agricultural production and productivity. Integrated seed sector development (ISSD) is an inclusive approach that recognizes and builds upon a diversity of seed systems in the sector. We use the ISSD approach to guide us in the design and implementation of seed sector interventions that are complementary to farmers’practices, with the main aim of increasing farmers’ access to quality seed of superior varieties. In working with the ISSD approach, we recognize a number of guiding principles. In this paper, we describe these principles, and provide examples of how we work with the system of local seed business (LSB) in the ISSD programs in Ethiopia and Uganda. We recognize that LSBs offer an important service to communities by providing access to quality seed of crops and varieties that cannot be obtained reliably through other sources. The guiding principles help us to work towards the development of sustainable LSBs. Within the context of ISSD Africa we will continue to investigate and design interventions to address challenges in seed sector development, focusing on aselect number of themes that are relevant to the LSB context

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