Development of a High Value Care Curriculum for Internal Medicine Sub-Interns


This poster was presented at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Day 2015 on October 16th, 2015.Medical students report inadequate teaching in managed care, medical economics, and High Value Care (HVC). HVC is defined as providing quality patient care while simultaneously reducing unnecessary costs to the healthcare system. Internal medicine professional societies have created a curriculum to teach HVCthat has been successfully implemented in several residency programs. The sub-internship rotation is a key clinical experience for fourth year medical students to advance knowledge, develop confidence, improve efficiency, and develop a practice style. Structured didactics were removed from the rotation in prior years so that students could maximize contact time with interns and residents. Traditionally, sub-interns learn about diagnostic testing strategies from their assigned supervising residents and attending physicians. This year, involved faculty selected seminal articles on HVC and adapted components of the AAIM-ACP and MedUcurricula to engage sub-intern medical students in the concepts of HVC

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