(OC-6-35)-(2,2′-Bipyridine-κ2 N,N′)dimeth­yl(3-sulfido­propionato-κ2 S,O)platinum(IV)


The title complex, [Pt(CH3)2(SCH2CH2CO2)(C10H8N2)], is formed by the unusual oxidative addition of the disulfide, R 2S2 (R = CH2CH2CO2H), to (2,2′-bipyridine)­dimethyl­platin­um(II) with elimination of RSH. The product contains an unusual six-membered thiol­ate–carboxyl­ate chelate ring. This slightly distorted octa­hedral complex exhibits cis angles ranging from 77.55 (11) to 97.30 (8)° due to the presence of the thiol­ate–carboxyl­ate chelate ring and the constrained bipyridine group. The crystal packing appears to be controlled by a combination of π-stacking [centroid–centroid distance = 3.611 (2) Å] and C—H⋯O inter­actions

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