Efficient Sharing of Optical Resources in Low-Power Optical Networks-on-Chip


With the ever-growing core counts in modern computing systems, NoCs consume an increasing part of the power budget due to bandwidth and power density limitations of electrical interconnects. To maintain performance and power scaling, alternative technologies are required, with silicon photonics, sophisticated network designs are required to minimize static power overheads. In this paper, we propose Amon, a low-power ONoC that decreases number of μRings, wavelengths and path losses to reduce power consumption. Amom performs destination checking prior to data transmission on an underlying control network, allowing the sharing per-Watt by at least 23% (up to 70%), while reducing power without latency overheads on both synthetic and realistic applications. For aggressive optical technology parameters, Amom considerably outperforms all alternative NoCs in terms of power, outlining its increasing superiority as technology matures

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