Abstract Preview of 'Solid Carbon capture in cement f' (0BKSW5)


International audienceProcess integration for energy savings and cost reductions has barely been considered as driver for Carbon Capture Storage and Reuse (CCSR) deployment. R&D has mainly focused on energy savings on the cement facility, CO 2 capture system and Air Separation Unit (ASU), this last when oxycombustion is considered. Amine and frosting technologies to capture CO 2 have not yet shown competitiveness and make rise several questions on energy penalty and exergy destruction. The novel approach on this work is to integrate the several technology bricks composing the future low carbon cement facility. ASU, carbon capture and gas streams of the facility are simulated. ASU streams serve to drastically reduce the energy needed to capture CO 2. This capture is performed by frost of the exhaust stream, CO 2 rich, which leads to high purity CO 2. Particular attention is paid to the kinetics of growth of CO 2 crystals. Results show that ASU + CCRS reduce cyclones size for an equivalent pressure drop compared to conventional cement facilities. Compared to the most studied Compression Capture process, integration of processes reduces by more than 20% the energy needed for CO 2 capture and lowers capital expenses for purchase of compressors. No text (if any) below this line will be printed in the abstract book

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