Lighting the Load: Nursing Support with Family Members of Critically Ill Adults


I prepared my poster for presentation – a new experience for me. The presentation was on the 11th. There were approximately 20 other posters. There was enthusiastic interest both in my topic and the finding . I received numerous requests for additional information. My poster, handouts and business card remained available for the duration of the workshop – and other individuals approached me for information outside of the poster session. All in all, it was an interesting and rewarding experience!Results of a grounded theory from family members\' perspectives indicated that the critical illness of an adult relative launches family members into a cycle of \"work\" as they strive to \"get through\" the experience. To mitigate the impact of this experience, critical care nurses can initiate a process of LIGHTENING OUR LOAD to support family members in their work, involving three phases. In the first, Engaging With Us, the nurse begins developing a connection with family members by Letting us in, Getting acquainted, and Respecting us. During the second phase, Sustaining Us, the connection is extended through Reassuring us, Involving us, and Advocating for us. The third phase, Disengaging From Us, comprises the nurse Facilitating us moving on and Easing our departure in response to transitions involved in the experience. This study extends the understanding of nursing support beyond current knowledge of critical care family needs and social support.Academic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF

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